Centurion’s COVID-19 Safety Plan
The health and safety of Centurion’s Employees and Residents remains a priority. As such, a number of measures have been implemented to ensure the continued safety and security of our Employees and Residents.
The measures implemented include:
- All Employees are required to complete daily COVID-19 self-declaration surveys. If an Employee experiences any symptoms, it is mandatory that they report this to their direct Manager prior to coming to work that day.
- All visitors and contractors are required to complete a self-declaration survey prior to entering the property.
- Temperature of visitors and contractors are taken using a forehead thermometer before entering the property.
- Employees are provided with the necessary personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks.
- Employees are provided with additional supplies to ensure all work areas continuously remain disinfected and sanitary.
- All Employees are required to complete video trainings related to COVID-19 precautions in the workplace.
- All Employees are required to complete a training on how to properly wear face masks.
- Face masks must be worn at all times while on Centurion property for the full duration of shifts.
- Social distancing is required at all times, keeping a minimum of six feet away from colleagues, Residents and Prospective Residents, visitors and contractors.
- Shields have been put in place in necessary areas such as front desks to minimize risk.
- Employees are required to review our Centurion’s Best Practices document and Managers are required to implement these best practices as needed.
- Signs are posted around the property to remind everyone of COVID-19 procedures such as social distancing and maximum number of occupants in elevators.
Employees and other visitors to the buildings that fall under the following circumstances will be prohibited from entering the workplace:
- If they have symptoms of COVID-19;
- If they have travelled outside of Canada within the last fourteen (14) days;
- If they have been identified by Public Health as a close contact for someone who has tested positive for COVID-19; and
- If they have been told to isolate by Public Health.
Centurion has also implemented procedures to follow in case of possible exposure to COVID-19:
- Employees are required to declare any possible exposure in their daily COVID-19 self-declaration survey.
- Employees are also required to notify their Direct Manager and Human Resources of any possible exposure.
- If possible exposure, the Employee will be instructed to book a COVID-19 test and isolate at home until the results are received.
- If positive for COVID-19, the Employee will be instructed to self-isolate for the recommended 14-day quarantine period.
The above-mentioned measures will be reviewed by the Human Resources Department on an as needed basis, dependent on the level of risk COVID-19 poses to our Employees, as well as any Government mandated policies implemented during the pandemic. Changes to this plan will be communicated to all Employees via email, our internal messaging system, Slack, as well as direct communication from their Managers.